Enraptured Page 6
We return to our place against the back of the wall. And we stand there, like human fucking decorations. It’s more degrading than the parade. As the party carries on, I notice butler-type people taking some of the slaves off the wall and escorting them out of the room. They don’t come back. The line dwindles, and dwindles. I stand there, my bare feet throbbing on the cold marble floors. I watch Kade through lowered eyelashes. He schmoozes, and charms, the Red Lady on his arm throughout the night. My hands shake from anger. I honestly want to leave. Just give it up, and go home. This isn’t what I expected when I came here. Which in hindsight was more stupidity on my part.
“Miss.” A low voice breaks through my observing. The impatience it’s imparted with lets me know that the butler slave person has said it more than once. I look up and make eye contact with him. He turns and starts to leave the room, not even looking back to see if I’m following him. Of course, I’m following him. I don’t have a death wish. I also don’t want to do whatever it is that is expected of me. I’ve done some pretty shady, entrapment-type things in the past to get demons, but I’ve always had clear lines with my body, and what I would and wouldn’t do with it. This is going to cross all of those lines. I don’t know if it’s something I can survive. Mentally. I’ve been tested by life so many times, that I almost feel like, what’s one more thing. But this is a big thing. A really, really, big thing in a life of really big shitty things.
There’s a lot of stairs between us and our destination, and I almost groan when I see the man in front of me start to climb them. Instead I keep my mouth shut and follow in silence. I know, my silence is a shock to me too. The stairs wind up, and up, and up until we reach a landing. We turn left. Because apparently, Hell is a NASCAR race full of left turns, and we head down a long hallway. Then we turn right. So maybe it’s not a NASCAR race after all. Then we make another turn, and I’m so fucking lost right now that I want to scream. We come to a set of double doors, and the butler uses a key to unlock them, throwing them open for me. He stands on the threshold, not venturing in, but it’s very clear that I’m expected to go in.
I peek inside before I go, sensing the ever-growing impatience of the man at my back. It’s a set of rooms, living quarters really. Great. My heart beats so hard I’m sure impatient butler can hear it. I am so screwed. Deep breaths. I step over the threshold and into the room. I turn around to look and see if someone is coming down the hall, but I’m not fast enough. The butler slams the door closed in my face and locks it. Just fuc… I stop myself from thinking the cuss word… wonderful. A hysterical giggle bubbles up my throat at how ridiculous I am being. I just realized that I’m mentally censoring myself for an unborn half-demon baby in a demon’s room, while in Hell. My life is ridiculous. I place my hand over my chest and press, the sound of paper crinkling soothes my ear. The spell is safely hidden in the inner liner of the dress, a quick tailoring that I did with a pair of nail clippers while getting ready. It’s not pretty or perfect, but it worked.
I stand at attention. Then I sit at attention. Then more time passes, and I fight to keep my eyes open. I know I lost that battle when I feel myself being lightly shaken awake. “Ty?” His voice is soft, and warm, and sexy. I want to curl up and cuddle. No. No I don’t. I think as my mind bolts awake. I quickly shove his hands away from me. I look over his shoulder expecting that woman to be there, laughing. Always laughing with beautiful, charming, Kade. She’s not there, and I’m relieved. But not happy.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He growls now that he knows I’m awake. I stand from the couch I’d fallen asleep on, glaring at it for lulling me into sleep. Stupid fucking cushions were too comfortable.
“I came to get you out of this hellhole,” I answer like it’s the most obvious thing, because it is the most obvious thing.
“Why?” he asks.
“You know, I’m not fucking sure anymore.” It’s the honest truth, because the Kade I saw tonight was the polished demon. Not my boyfriend, lover, whatever he was.
“That’s rich, Ty. Risk your life and mine on a whim,” he throws back at me. He turns and grabs a glass and a bottle of whisky off the liquor cabinet. I watch him, silently fuming as he pours himself a drink. It’s all too much. This suite of rooms is bigger than my apartment, it’s a lot nicer too. His clothes scream of money. His hair is freshly cut, and when he takes off his jacket I see that he’s gained muscle. He’s not being tortured down here. He’s living it up, getting stronger. Thriving. A place to feel the weight of your life, my ass.
Meanwhile my face is more hollow, my bones stick out more, and I can’t keep food down to save my life. And it sucks because I feel guilty throwing up food I can hardly afford. I start laughing at this mess I’ve gotten myself into.
“I risked my life to come save you. But you never needed my help. The whole tortured demon astral projection was a lie. You’re living a life of luxury down here, and I’ve been worried for nothing.” By the time I force out the last words, I’m yelling.
“Keep your voice down. You’re going to get yourself killed,” he shushes me. That fucking prick shushes me.
“Why? Why did I risk my life for you?” A sob cuts through my throat.
“What did you expect Tyler? Just because I have a soul doesn’t make me a ‘good person’. I’m still a demon. I still manipulate, and bend the truth, and of course I’m going to thrive in my home,” A smirk spreads across his face. Dismissing my feelings with one look.
“I expected you to still love me at least, shit-for-brains,” I say. He snorts, and looks at me like I’m a naïve child, and lifts his glass to take a drink.
In a fit of maturity and grace I reach out and push the glass away from him, and out of his hand.
The sound of glass and liquid hitting the floor snaps Kade out of whatever state of entitled calm he’s in. His eyes flash dangerously at me and I’m suddenly pushed against the wall. His arms caging me in. My mind flashes back to the beginning. This is how it all started. Us fighting, him pushing me. Me pushing him.
“Don’t push me too hard, love. You might not like what happens down here. We’re in my world now, playing by my rules.” He shoves a knee between my legs to get closer. His teeth graze my neck and I bite my lips to stop a moan from escaping my mouth. My body knows his touch, my body loves his touch. Even if my heart and brain hate the man.
“Get off me.” I shove his chest and he steps back, that damn chuckle ripping out of his mouth. He’s staring at me like he wants to devour me, when the door to his rooms opens, and in walks the Red Lady.
“Yes, please do come in, Kate” Kade says pleasantly without turning to see who it is. She’s staring at the puddle of glass and whisky on the floor when I look at Kade again and I see the warning in his eyes. Behave. I put my head down, and clasp my hands in front of my body. If I’m still a little flushed there’s not much I can do about that, but hope that time will calm my raging heart.
I can feel Kate’s eyes all over me. She’s studying me. The glass on the floor, and probably Kade. A little giggle leaves her when she finishes.
“Oh, you’re going to have fun breaking this one,” she says as she walks closer to me. Her finger trails along my collarbone and I have to resist the urge to punch her in the face. Kade just sighs and turns to fix two more fresh drinks. One for him, and one for her. She’s turned her back to me. A stupid move. Or it would be if I had any sort of weapon besides my mind. It’s okay, I like being underestimated. Gives me an advantage.
“What do you want?” Kade asks her as she takes the glass from his hands. I can’t help but to notice the lingering touch.
“We need to go over strategy,” she says.
He sighs. “Now? I’m in the middle of something.” He sounds bored.
“Always Kade, do you want to win or not?” she asks.
“Fine, but make it fast.” He takes a long drink, draining his glass. Kate clears her throat indicating that she doesn’t want to talk in front of me.
bsp; “Girl, go to my room. Get in bed, lose the dress,” he says, not even looking at me.
I play my part, but only because I’m not interested in dying. The first thing I do when I get into his room is to look for a weapon. There’s a few things that could be used to inflict blunt force trauma, but I’m not very good at whacking people with heavy objects. Besides, I still haven’t decided if I’m going to kill Kade or try and get him out of here. I’m not ready to give up on him yet, and I know that’s stupid, but I’m trying to fight for the things I love these days. Even if I lose, I still want to know I gave it my all.
The next thing I do is find a hiding spot for my ‘Dorothy’ spell. I turn around his massive bedroom and take it in. It’s all dark wood and sleek lines. On the wall opposite his bed he’s got a huge bookshelf. I pick the third shelf, last book on the right, to hide the piece of paper. I wedge it between the book and the wood of the shelf and study it from all angles to make sure it’s not noticeable. That’s done. I feel lighter without the spell on me. One less piece of evidence to risk my life with. I don’t know how much time I have left before Kade comes in here, and while I’m not afraid of him, I don’t want to get caught snooping either.
I’m just getting ready to climb into his bed, dress on, when I notice the hidden closet doors, and I smirk. Sure, Kade, I’ll take the dress off. You never said I couldn’t put something else on. I slip into one of his crisp white shirts before getting into bed. His bed is soft, the sheets smooth on my legs, the blankets heavy and warm. I don’t even fight sleep when I cuddle under them, I know it’s going to take me. I can only hope that I have pleasant dreams.
Reunited and It Feels So Good?
The room is dark, quiet, and unfamiliar. I wake up suddenly feeling watched. Stalked. I feel like prey. Kade stands at the end of the bed, his face hidden in shadows. I don’t know how long he’s been standing there, but it feels like too long. My chest dips up and down with every tortured breath I take, and pinpricks of fear alight across my body, even as my brain tells me that’s stupid. It’s just the dumbshit demon I fell in love with. But that’s not totally true, Kade feels different down here. He steps into a stream of light coming through the window, and I see that he’s shirtless. His body, a work of art on earth, is now more sculpted, harder. He’s a stronger, more fit predator. Hell has healed him. I sit up and roll my eyes at him. At whatever game he’s trying to play. But I don’t speak. I don’t want to poke the bear.
The covers rip off my body. The sudden loss of their warmth causes me to shiver. Kade crawls up onto the end of the king-sized bed. He’s hunting me. Suddenly my shivers have more to do with anticipation than temperature, because my body is flushing with heat. Desire throbs between my legs, and I want to kick that fucker in the face. He’s smiling at me like the cat caught the mouse. And I guess he did.
“I’m still pissed at you,” I whisper.
“I’m even more pissed at you, love,” he whispers back. His warm, calloused hands circle my ankles and pull me down the bed toward him. He’s resting on his knees, looking at me like he wants to eat me. I kick his hands away. I’m not going to make this easy for him. I cross my arms over my body to keep his white button-down shirt from riding too high up my body. If the look on his face indicates anything, he’s going to find out my secret sooner rather than later. But for some reason I still keep everything hidden from him.
He grabs my ankles again. And I kick his hands away again. It’s a game. The bed shudders with my efforts to keep his hands off of me. That is until his palm strikes my thigh, hard. The sound of the slap sounds through the room, deafening. I don’t have to look to see the red welt growing on my pale leg.
I gasp from pain and something deeper. I’ve never shied away from rough sex, but this is more than I’ve ever done before. The pleasure-pain shoots through my body and I shake. I stop fighting him in my shock, and he finishes sliding my body to him.
“Are you going to play nicely, or am I going to have to be the demon we both know I am?” he asks. His voice is coated in desire, and that trademark Kade humor.
“We both know I can kick your ass if I need to,” I laugh into my hands. He’s trying to be alluring, sexy, dominating. But I still remember the guy who put skittles up his nose to make me laugh in a car in Mexico a long time ago.
“Aye, love, that you can. But you don’t want to, do you?” he asks, his sexy voice shaken with a hint of laughter. His accent is thicker down here, I notice suddenly.
I bite my lip and shake my head no. I don’t want to kick his ass.
“You want to play with me, don’t you, love?” he asks.
I nod my head yes.
“Say it, Tyler,” he commands, his voice rough with wanting. “I need to hear you say it.”
God, is there anything sexier than this right now, a man between my legs begging me to let him have me?
“Yes, shithead,” I say. My laughter breaking some of the tension in the room. He’s laughing as he slides his overlarge shirt up my thighs. My breath catches from worry, and lust.
I almost blurt it out, the truth that’s mere inches from his fingertips, but then he leans down and licks my inner thigh and all rational thought is lost. I’m a selfish creature, wanting this time with Kade, without the complications of life. His teeth graze me and I lose all thought completely. Right now, it’s just me and Kade. His tongue sweeps between my thighs, hitting my clit in their languid movements, and I thrust my hips further into his face. That earns me a deep chuckle, and another slap on the thigh, lighter, but it still stings. I don’t care, I’m desperate to feel this connection to Kade again.
He throws my legs over his shoulders and sinks into me, I grind myself into his face, and my moans and pants fill the room. When his fingers enter me, I almost come immediately, I’m so damn close. My fingers are threaded through his hair, messing up his perfect party style.
“Shit,” Kade breathes into me, taking a break, he sets me down and I watch him fumble with his pants, he lowers them only enough to free his cock.
“Don’t you dare put that in me,” I order him. “I’m not done riding your face yet.”
“Bossy,” Kade says as he positions himself between my thighs again.
“Shut up. I deserve an orgasm, you asshole,” I laugh. And I keep laughing until he swirls his tongue over my clit again, then I groan.
“Fuck,” I whisper. It’s so good. So, so, so good.
“I know, love, that’s why I’m doing it to you,” he says.
“I’m thinking out loud again, aren’t I?” I ask, breathless, because he’s found my g-spot with his long fingers. He doesn’t answer me, and I’m thankful, because I don’t want his mouth to leave me ever.
He pulls his mouth away again after a few minutes, his breathing as heavy as mine.
“Can I fuck your ass?” he asks suddenly.
“Absolutely not,” I answer. He sticks his lower lip out in a pout.
“I promise to make it feel good.”
“I’m way too fucking impatient for you to make me come, to go through all that fucking prep-work, Kade,” I say. I push my pussy back into his face, letting him know we’re done with this conversation.
“Can I at least finger your asshole?” He bats his stupid long boy eyelashes at me.
“Will that make you feel better?” I ask, my patience wearing thin.
“Yes,” he answers, hopeful.
“Fine,” I sigh, “but be gentle. That’s virgin territory,” I add quickly when I see the look of lust on his face.
“I can’t wait,” he says, giddy.
Fucking men and their obsessions with butt sex.
“Ahem, I’m drying out down there,” I say and use my legs to pull him closer to where I want his mouth to be.
“I’ll be happy to get you nice and wet again,” he says. My playful lust demon is back. Gone is the soon-to-be Prince. I reach up and grab his hair again and shut him up.
“Relax, Tyler,” he says in
to me after a few minutes. I can’t help it, I’m waiting for his finger to enter my butt. It’s got me on edge.
“Just stick it in there already and get this over with. I want to come on your face, and the anticipation is killing my vibe,” I tell him. More laughter, more tongue, more fingers. He finds his rhythm and I almost forget. Until it’s there, probing. I suck in a deep breath of surprise when he breaches and enters me. His fingers are still in my cunt, his tongue is still on my clit, and the addition of the pressure in my ass makes me writhe on him. It’s overwhelming, and it stings a little, but it doesn’t hurt, not when he’s used my own arousal to prep me.
I rock harder against his face, fucking myself on his fingers. He pushes into my clit harder, teeth and tongue meeting my needy flesh.
“Oh shit, oh shit, ohhhh fuuuuckkk.” My nails dig into his scalp and his sheets, and I tense on his mouth as I come. Hard. He lets me ride him through my many aftershocks. When I finally stop coming, he collapses on the bed by my head. His fingers working the top buttons of my shirt undone so he can grab my boobs. Lazy kisses find the side of my face. I’m happy here in Kade’s arms. I forget, for a while, that I’m in Hell. I don’t forget that I’m pregnant, but I pretend for a while that life is uncomplicated.
His breath is in my hair, and then in my ear as he whispers, “Still opposed to me fucking your ass?” he asks on a laugh.
I open my mouth to answer, but his kiss finds my mouth before I can speak. His full lips capture mine, and his kiss becomes everything. It’s soft, and hard. Lazy and commanding. It’s the end of my world. My undoing is sealed on those lush lips. Kade’s firm body slides over me and he places his knee between mine. Parting my legs. He pulls the open shirt over my shoulders, trapping my arms to my sides.